zondag 24 november 2013

Internet Is Raar

Soms zie je op het internet de raarste dingen voorbij komen. Inspirerend, frustrerend of angstaanjagend, echt alles staat er tussen. Meestal zijn een titel en een foto al genoeg om je aandacht te trekken, dus dat ga ik doen. Ik geef je een titel, een plaatje en de link. Kijk maar waar je terecht komt, veel plezier!

This Man Saved Over 600 Children From Nazi Death Camps

In the second World War, Sir Nicholas Winton saved over 600 children from Nazi death camps by organising their transportation to Britain as part of the Czech Kindertransport.

This Man Saved Over 600 Children From Nazi Death Camps

Rolling Stones fans finally confess to stealing Mick Jagger’s doughnuts after 50 years

Two women have confessed their sweet-smelling secret about Mick Jagger after 50 years – stealing his doughnuts and aftershave.


Wet dogs: See photographer's hilarious snaps of pampered pooches taking a bath

These adorable pooches -dripping wet, fur covering their eyes and matting their hair - look rather put out and disgruntled.

'Inappropriate' helter skelter moved - because it was too close to court that hears murder, rape and terrorism cases

The fairground ride in Manchester city centre was relocated after concerns were raised by court staff.

Helter Skelter

Known only by her first name, Isabella, she has put up signs around London which feature a photo of the Hollywood star.
Appeal: The posters feature a photo of Hollywood star Ryan Gosling
'Bomb' found stuffed into a Teddy Bear found lying by the side of the road

The object, which reportedly smelt of petrol and had wires coming out of it, was picked up by a local man who was out delivering papers.


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